
Is there evidence that spray on tanning predisposes a person to squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma?

Is there evidence that spray on tanning predisposes a person to squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma?I know that sun exposure and tanning booths (UV rays) predispose a person to these forms of cancer, but does the risk lessen if a person gives up these methods of tanning and uses a spray on tan method?
Are you saying that spray on tan has nothing to do with the development or continued development of squamous cancer cells? Rather, that it's all about the light treatments....?

Answer by quijibored
It depends on how much UVA damage has already been done when the person switches from tanning to spray tan. There is a point of no return with UVA exposure after which the skin becomes permanently damaged and squamous cell cancers will continue to develop despite staying indoors and wearing sunscreen.
Some people with psoriasis or other skin ailments that required numerous UVA light treatments to clear up their skin are now plagued with a high rate of development of squamous cells many years after they quit doing the light treatments. The same risks hold true after long term tanning or real sun exposure.


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