
Prostate Cancer Symptoms?

Prostate Cancer Symptoms?My father(46)diagnosed with prostate cancer in february this year stage IV where cancer spread to his bones and in july in the brain... since hormone teraphy doeasn't work anymore cancer has come back it keeps spreading doctors told me they have last option chemoteraphy but he has been runing fever non stop for the past month so they can't give him chemo unless fever stoped..this past month he is doing worse besides the fever he is in a lot of pain he said he has bad muscle cramps in his stomach ,back pain swelling from knee down to his feet(both legs),weaknes restlessness, mood, swings,decreasing appetite,decreasing urine,soo my main question is how bad this is and why is he swelling and having muscle cramps in stomach and what should we expect next and how much timer he has left?? thank you...

Answer by Richard Man U
Hi Ravilio Casa and thanks for writing, from what you have shared with me I'm sorry but I would guess that your Father will probably pass away within two months.

Below is an excerpt which I think should answer all your questions. I hope this helps and I wish you the very best during the coming days and weeks. God Bless.

Preparing for Approaching Death

When a person enters the final stage of the dying process, two different dynamics are at work which are closely interrelated and interdependent. On the physical plane, the body begins the final process of shutting down, which will end when all the physical systems cease to function. Usually this is an orderly and undramatic progressive series of physical changes which are not medical emergencies requiring invasive interventions. These physical changes are a normal, natural way in which the body prepares itself to stop, and the most appropriate kinds of responses are comfort enhancing measures.

The other dynamic of the dying process at work is on the emotional-spiritual-mental plane, and is a different kind of process. The spirit of the dying person begins the final process of release from the body, its immediate environment, and all attachments. This release also tends to follow its own priorities, which may include the resolution of whatever is unfinished of a practical nature and reception of permission to "let go" from family members. These events are the normal, natural way in which the spirit prepares to move from this existence into the next dimension of life. The most appropriate kinds of responses to the emotional-spiritual-mental changes are those which support and encourage this release and transition.

You can refer to this Blog:Prostate Cancer Symptoms Info Directories which show you an articles and videos of Prostate Cancer Symptoms and great info all types of cancer

Prostate Cancer Symptoms article:

Great Cancer Information Blog


Answer by jake
God Bless, Ravilo,

At 46?

I'm so sorry.
I survived that scourge with surgery, much older than your dad.

Honestly, I doubt that chemo will accomplish much, but he has to make the decision if he is able.
Just not much hope when it gets to the brain.

My sister had breast cancer and it spread to her brain.

I only hope that doctors can make him comfortable and relieve the pain. That's all I would ask if it were me.

My prayers go out to you and your dad.

Answer by nina
Im very truly sorry about your father, I will pray for you and your family
He is having muscle cramps in his stomach from, loss of appetite, not urinating enough, and because the cancer has spreaded....He is swelling because the cancer has spreaded and affected every part of his body....I don't know how much time he has left swettie and to be honest only his doctor can tell you the time that he has left...I whish you the best and god bless/

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