
Any possible signs of Melanoma spreading?

Any possible signs of Melanoma spreading?My friend had a mole removed to be tested for cancer cells. It is near his groin. It wasn't hurting, it just had all the signs (size, color) He has had a lot of bowel problems (gas, diarrhea, cramping) as well for awhile. So of course he is worried that might be related in some strange way... Does anyone know about cases of a Melanoma spreading? Were there symptoms that helped diagnose? ((Any info would be great, he has to wait 2 weeks for the results, and that is tough.) t.i.a.

Answer by Valerie R
melanoma is the worst skin cancer there is. When you get it and it spreads you will most likely die. Melanoma looks like a brown spot that is a irregular shape. It isn't a circle it's like a cloud shape. Its roundish but looks weird

Answer by Orion
First, don't jump to conclusions. You need to take each step, learn what the information means and then decide the next steps. Wait for the pathology report on the mole. Most likely it is just a mole, possibly with some atypical cells. If it is Melanoma, then you need to understand the report; size, depth, "clear margins" will determine the severity of the Melanoma what step to take next.

Again, more than likely everything will be fine. BTW Melanoma tends to travel to the lymphmatic system to organs like lungs, liver, kidneys. so the bowel issues might be something else.

Add your own answer in the comments! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

SavantMD: Melanoma ~ Intro: Patient Conversations

Dr. Savant introduces a series with featuring cancer survivor, Jodi, and Dr. Dellavalle on the topic of melanoma. Watch more videos in this seven-segment series at: savantmd.com . Visit savantmd.com for more health tips and videos. Follow us on Twitter @ http .
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Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

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