
Can undiagnosed cancer cause depression?

Can undiagnosed cancer cause depression?Can cancer chemically cause depression? I'm not talking about someone learning they have cancer and then becoming depressed. I mean can depression be a side effect of undiagnosed cancer?

Answer by april
No, that makes no sense at all. A person may be feeling rundown, general malaise, among other things and it be mistaken for depression, but cancer doesn't cause depression.

Answer by imperialpoetpurple
Depression is a kind of 'vague' term. Cancer doesn't make people happy, and any disease that makes someone feel tired or unwell can in a sense cause a person to be 'depressed.' In theory a tired unhappy person could be in a sense misdiagnosed as being 'depressed' when in fact there is else chemically causing it.

In my case, I was working up to 70-80 hrs. per week. I didn't feel 'depressed' but did of course feel a bit tired. I had my Kidney removedand noticed months later that I actually felt 'better' ie. I didn't feel so 'tired'. I had more energy. In all cases, I think it's best to look at the entire person ie.counselors who just play with 'mental health concepts' without taking into consideration a person's chemical - biological health - can really make some screwball mistakes. Likewise there are folks who try to medicalize every little thing to the point of hypochondria. I once saw a counselor use nerf bats...with a patient...to process their 'repressed anger'...BUT he didn't take into consideration that the patient had extremely high blood pressure and that getting help for the hypertension was the top priority. : o Holistic is the way to go!!!!

What do you think? Answer below! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

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