
what are hemroides symptoms and treatments? i think i might have one?

what are hemroides symptoms and treatments? i think i might have one?i have a painfull felling in my but its like a little lump. is that hemroides does the cream work for that stuff also or is it a different thing.

Answer by Iris
That's probably what it is. You can check your symptoms on WebMD:

Answer by misscacazzy
sounds like em.try anusol.if they bleeding see dr.don't get constipated.........try frozen pea bag on em.i take it the swelling outside if not see dr.ya don't say ya age.if it internal an ya 40 plus see dr

Answer by gazeygoo
If you mean hemorrhoid that is a varicose vein of the rectum. It is a vein that blood does not drain from properly and becomes enlarged or engorged with blood. External hemorrhoids are found at the anus and can be very painful, internal hemorrhoids are less painful but still a problem. There are a large number of OTC preparations that can help ease the discomfort. You need to avoid straining and lifting. You may be able to push that vein back into the rectum to help it drain. These do have the potential to become thrombosed or develop a clot and that will need a doctor to treat it.

Answer by don'tstopthemusic
Yes, sounds like it. Go to your doctor/GP and they will prescribe you something for it. The treatments are very effective. If you leave it, it can worsen and they often bleed and are very uncomfortable.

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