
symptoms of cancer?

symptoms of cancer?Currently, I'm working on projects to create website called symptoms of cancer.

I'd like to ask your opinion about the website and how I can improve it.

I also would like to find someone who can write articles about symptoms of cancer for me. I'll give some payment for the articles.

Please visit ==> http://www.symptoms-of-cancer.org


p.s. If you're interested to write articles for me please send me an email to

Replace [at] with @

Answer by shari

Answer by Ron Diego
Unless you're a qualified physician, with a thorough knowledge of all types of cancer, why would you even have the remotest intention of setting up a site like that. I'm sure the Cancer Research Foundation already has it covered. Also, the U.S. Health Dept. provides all kinds of pamphlets and other information concerning cancer. Hey, stick to your Dungeons & Dragons.

Answer by john
anything about anal cancer thanks

Answer by schumigirl1956
Well my mother died of throat and chest cancer this was due to smoking but she wasnt a heavy smoker, her first lung collasped they tried to repair it but couldnt because she was so thin,i first things i saw that she was getting very tired and didnt eat much everything around her was more brighter and she was always talking more about dying and death. she had radio theraphy and cemotheraphy but it made her face more redder and made her hair go thin and in some places her hair was falling out. she became so weak they tried her on liquid foods but it was hard to swallow, she was aready a thin lady but she was getting more thinner eventually she must have been 4 stone, skelton of a person face drawn in so much her check bones was showing and hands like the twiglets, she. died so young she was only 59, never had the chance to claim her pension money.poor mum.has i saw her on her bed in the hospital dosed up to the eye balls with morphine all curled up with her eyes closed she was shouted whose there go away leave me alone, but i wouldnt budge trying as hard as i could to keep the tears from my eyes i said mum its me gail, she didnt turn to see where the sound came from she stood still motionless, then she said i dont know you leave me be, as she said thoses words a nurse came in and told us to leave, has i turned for the last time i wept so heavily bill my husband also was crying in which we both comforted each other. we got the lift and went downstairs to the hospital cafe and got ourselves a drink.went straight upstairs to my bed clutching the remains of my mothers wedding ring saying over and over again oh god why my mother she is to young spare her life and grant me that it will not return(the cancer) with that i fell asleep.

Answer by r041051 i
I am a man aged 57, from Chennai, Tamil nadu, South India, enrolled fo PhD in Vedic Medicine. I found a cure for cancer thro' nano technology, that is burning of a lamp with medicated oil.! . This I want to measure and go in deep. My aim is to acheive good result. My aim is to help others and work with them for finding a medicine. I am ready to join hands with you!

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Orignal From: symptoms of cancer?

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