
Anyone know how deadly cancer of the prostate is?

Anyone know how deadly cancer of the prostate is?My older brother was diagnosed last week with prostate cancer. He has it on both sides. The doctors told him on a scale from 0 to 10 he is a 7. I have been worried ever since he was told. I have heard that its not that deadly compared to other forms of cancer. I hope not anyway. Thanks for any and all help on this.

Answer by Mel
Well, you really should be asking your brother what the doctor thinks and what they are going to do about it.
When it's caught early, it's very treatable. Even at a later stage, it can be treated, but there will be more complications if it has metastized. Those are the things you really need to find out.

Good luck, thinking good thoughts for your your brother and your family!

Answer by starlight90210




Answer by Anne W
that really stinks. you know there is a new prostate cancer vaccine currently in clinical trials called Provenge. you should look this up with the FDA, last i saw it should be coming out this year, you should ask about clinical trials.

Answer by Diamond
my husband was diagnosed with advanced PC over 3 years ago he is treated with a homone injection every 3 months he is doing OK. many men die with it and not of it

What do you think? Answer below! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

Orignal From: Anyone know how deadly cancer of the prostate is?

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