
What do doctors check for when doing routine blood work?

What do doctors check for when doing routine blood work?My mom has had lower back pain (not bad) for about 2 months. She had an xray Monday and they called her Tuesday and told her they saw subtle abnormalities on the xray. They wanted her have blood work and urine test done to test for bone cancer (multiple myeloma). I guess my question is, is she had routine blood work 4 months ago and everything came out fine. She has never had any trouble with her bones and her back doesn't hurt everyday...just sometimes. If it was really cancer wouldn't it hurt all the time? And wouldn't her blood work have come back with some abnormalities? I'm just really confused right now! Please help!!
Sidoney: My mother does not drink and that has nothing to do with my question....it really upsets me that something this serious would get a stupid answer from someone claiming to be a doctor. Go to do something better with your time than leading people on a wild goose chase!

Answer by hewitt frank
cancer not always showing pain symptoms. when its big enough and suppress the periosteum (lot of nerves there) than it will show pain symptoms).

if it really a cancer, than the doctor do routine blood work may be he wants to know:
* weather there are metastasis to surrounding area (kidney, liver, on other area near to back bone)
* if he not sure about the diagnosis, may be he wants to seek tumor marker on the blood
* or he wants to exclude the possibility of abnormality (kidney disease, UTI or something else)

in severe disease the blood parameters can change in a week period.

What do you think? Answer below! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

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