
what research is being done to cure cancer?

what research is being done to cure cancer?just give me a list of research being done to cure cancer, and list your sources. thank you.

Answer by Carol
Hello Brian:
There are a lot of places doing research. I live in the Las Vegas Area and we
have a lot of labs here that are doing research and Ucla is doing research and
In the San Francisco area there are a lot of research going on there too.
And In most major city's through the USA there are research offices. And
more doctors trying to find a cure. Doctor Sugar Baker in Washington DC.
is trying to find chemicals that they can do specialty cures. Look him up
on line I want to go see him for my lung cancer I only have one lung left
so they can not remove it or do regular surgery on it so his research may
be what will save my life. But I will not give up. Right now I am doing a lot
of steroids and other meds that go in a nebulizer to help me to keep it from
getting worse. They are trying heat and freezing cold to fight different cancer.
So there is a lot going on to find the cure. I was one of the first chemo test
patients back in 1977 for leukemia and now there are a lot more of us
survivors out there.

Answer by crossstitchkelly
There are hundreds of research programs going on. The best place to find them is on cancer.gov, the National Cancer Institute's website. It lists all current trials going on for which types of cancer, describes what the trial is, and what participants are needed. For example, I recently participated in a trial for stage 3 colon cancer patients to try a drug used to keep stage 4 cancer from spreading even further to see if it could keep the cancer from becoming stage 4 in the first place. It didn't, so after a three year evaluation of the data they had to stop the trial.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

Orignal From: what research is being done to cure cancer?

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