
If you have cancer that spreads to lymph nodes, what is it called?

If you have cancer that spreads to lymph nodes, what is it called?If you have cervical cancer, and it spread into your lymph nodes, do you have lymph node cancer? Or lymphoma? Or just cervical cancer that metastisized to your lymph nodes?

I already survived this crap but my brother was arguing with me saying that since it was in lymph nodes that means its lymphoma. Maybe I am being stupid, but I really don't think I had anything but stage 2B cervical cancer.

Is there another term for cancer spread to lymph nodes? Thanks.

Answer by Sydney S

Answer by pinkshoes
I would think that you would be considered as having both...but I am not sure.

Answer by kkerseyy777
Lymphatic Sarcoma

Answer by sillyputty
Lymphoma is not the same as cancer that has metastazized to the lymph nodes. It is a blood cancer , like leukemia. Good for you for surviving and getting better.

Answer by Rob
When cancer spreads to your lymph nodes, it DOES NOT mean you have lymphoma. Lymphoma is a separate cancer that begins in your lymph nodes.

Add your own answer in the comments! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

Orignal From: If you have cancer that spreads to lymph nodes, what is it called?

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