
i seem to have all the leukemia symptoms exept for weight loss. could i have leukemia possibly? ?

i seem to have all the leukemia symptoms exept for weight loss. could i have leukemia possibly? ?I've been to many websites and i seem to have a lot of the symptoms. the only one i don't have is weight loss. is this possible? im only 15

Answer by cold grey Ash
Be careful about self diagnosing anything - especially cancer. It is entirely possible to only have one or two symptoms and have cancer - I had cancer for 5 years and the only symptoms I had was that I just didn't feel right - I got skin infections and got sick a lot.
My blood work and everything was normal.

See a doc - only they can tell you.

Answer by Rannn =)
Well, first your lymphnoids with hurt when their touched, and you teeth with hurt really bad so youwont want to eat. youll also get fevers off and on and tylenol wont help. when you go to the doctor ask for a blood test if your really worried, if you have it your white blood count should be super high.

Answer by Angel_Blue
it is human nature to wonder if there is something wrong, based on self-diagnoses. If you had leukemia your doctor would know. However, if you are just freaking out cause someone you know has it, you can stop worrying. You can't "catch" cancer.

And there would definitely BE weight loss. If you're a teen female, it's probably just your hormones, which go wacky every three weeks or so; PLUS there are the little tricks puberty can play on you.

I seriously doubt you HAVE cancer, but if you are SO worried, talk to a doctor.

Answer by Spreedog
The symptoms of leukemias are non-specific and could be found with a huge number of situations both medical and non-medical. Leukemias may occur at your age, but they are not very common. It is very easy to find out for sure if you are concerned enough to see you regular doctor. Just ask for a simple CBC (blood test). That will rule out leukemia.

Even we older people freak out a bit regarding leukemia. It's a little embarrassing for a specialty doctor to admit, but I saw so much leukemia as a heme/onc doctor that I would occasionally run a CBC on myself when I felt tired and run down. It was always a relief to know I didn't have a leukemia. I was simply tired from long hours and little sleep.

Answer by jay_cce1
i doubt it

if you really think you have leukaemia, go to a doctor and get a blood test.

quick simple and easy answer, as that is how leukaemia is diagnoised

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

Orignal From: i seem to have all the leukemia symptoms exept for weight loss. could i have leukemia possibly? ?

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