
what products can I use to grow back eye lashes after cancer treatments?

what products can I use to grow back eye lashes after cancer treatments?Eye lashes have fallen out and eye brows are about gone. Have you used any products or permenant make up that has worked

Answer by Lily L
My mom used Latisse, which is approved to help grow eyelashes. Her doctor even had her use it on her eyebrows.

Answer by Tarkarri
It was the little, forgotten hairs that I missed the most.

Eyelashes, eyebrows (dust in eyes!!!!!) Nasal hair and ear hair (flying insects!)

They did all grow back.

I tried false eyelashes but the glue irritated my skin - I cannot even use hypoallergenic sticking plasters.

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Ron's Out LQQK on Eye Cancer Day 1 after Plaque Radiation MSKCC Day 2 of 4

Ron Alford describes his feelings about having been diagnosed with Eye Cancer.

Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

Orignal From: what products can I use to grow back eye lashes after cancer treatments?

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