
What is my personality like and job should I do by evaluating my natal chart?

What is my personality like and job should I do by evaluating my natal chart?Hi everyone,

I was wondering if someone could give me an exceptional overview of my personality and job that will fit my personality by looking at my natal chart. ( I am a male )

My natal chart:

Sun Conjunction Saturn
Moon Opposition Saturn
Mercury Conjunction Mars
MercuryTrine Jupiter
Mercury Conjunction Uranus
Mercury Conjunction Neptune
Venus Opposition Ascendant
Venus SextileMidheaven
Mars Trine Jupiter
Mars ConjunctionUranus
Mars ConjunctionNeptune
Mars OppositionAscendant
Jupiter Trine Uranus
Jupiter Trine Neptune
Uranus ConjunctionNeptune
Pluto Square Midheaven

Planets: Houses:
SunCapricorn Ascendant Cancer
MoonLeo IICancer
MercuryCapricorn IIILeo
VenusSagittarius IVLeo
MarsCapricorn VVirgo
JupiterVirgo VIScorpio
SaturnAquarius VII Capricorn
UranusCapricorn VIII Capricorn
NeptuneCapricorn IXAquarius
PlutoScorpio Midheaven Aquarius
LilithCapricorn XIPisces
Asc nodeCapricorn XII Taurus

Asteroids & Chiron:

Chiron Leo
Ceres Capricorn
Pallas Sagittarius
Juno Aquarius
Vesta Virgo
Fortune Aries
South nodeAries

Thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope that you will be able to answer! :D

Answer by safia
This is a pretty good website. It offers way more info on careers and stuff:

Answer by IslandGirl
You have a powerful chart. As most of your planets are in Capricorn, you are a child of the Earth and your have come here for very important business; however, that may not come until later in life.

With your Cancer Asc. you are a nurturing spirit. At times you wear your heart on your sleeve, but it is your sensitivity that allows you to empathize with others. If your south node is in Aries, then your north node is in Libra. Libra is all about relating to others. But that would be your lesson. With the south node in Aries, you might tend to be a bit abrupt - without considering others. At the same time, you have "problem" planets in your 7th (relationships). You will have the greatest happiness and success when you reach for your north node (relating to others)

Capricorns, ruled by Saturn, appear older than their years and very set in your ways. They have the wisdom of a sage. Yet they are quite serious! Your Leo Moon will put you in the public eye! And with the ruler of your asc (the moon) in the 2nd, you tend to define yourself and your self worth through your money and possessions. Be careful of the moon in the 2nd -- money can come and go under that aspect.

With your ruling planet, Saturn, in Aquarius, you will meet with success in humanitarian efforts. Also, with Pluto in the 10th, your greatest transformation will come through your career.

Your chart indicates that you are highly psychic (Mars conj Neptune & Mars conj Uranus). You are also highly intelligent. Use these gifts wisely. They will lead you to the Pluto 10th house!

Sagitarius in the 6th along with Pallas shows you have a very strong work ethic. And with Sag there some of your jobs might involve research, law, philosophy. or higher education. You would make an excellent college professor or a lawyer.

Hope that answered your questions.

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