
what is the mortality rate of patients with advanced stomach cancer?

what is the mortality rate of patients with advanced stomach cancer?My daughter was diagnosed last night with an advanced case of stomach cancer. The doctor says it has been there for at least two years, judging from the size and number of the masses. Also, the cancer is progressing into her intestines. Please. I need to know not only for myself, but to prepare her as well. And no doctor will tell me, as I am not the patient, and she is over 18.

Answer by Panda
How old is your daughter and what was the diagnosis . . did you hear the words desmoplastic small round cell tumor or Gastrointestinal stromal tumor or stomach cancer? Please ask the doctor for the specific pathology of the cancer as this will determine your daughters treatment options.

What you need to know about Stomach Cancer



Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma

There is a type of treatment called cytoreductive surgery and peritoneal hyperthermic chemoperfusion that is showing good results for patients with abdominal cancers. You would need to check with her doctors to see if she qualifies. My son underwent this treatment and had tremendous benefit.


As far as mortality rates go . . people are not statisitics, they are individuals and each cancer is different. Mortality rates mean very little. Just focus on getting your daughter the best treatment possible.

Answer by kittenlove
If you have nothing to loose treatment wise, please try 'transfer factor' www.nowwellnessforlife.com. Read everything and make your own mind up. I know it sounds crazy...maybe, but this is the time where you need to get crazy. I found this product by surfing and doing lots of research and searching for cancer cures. Look at the phytoplankton which is on that site as well. The research speaks for its self and doctors do not know everything. Good Luck! By the way.. this is not my site, I have nothing to do with the sale of these products. I just believe in them. Please let me know what you think if you decide to go that way.

Answer by Leneki
I dont understand how a cancer can live in a body for two yrs and have no symtoms.Have no pain or anything. I'm not doubting you, cancer is a trickey disease I just can't believe it lay doormat for 2yrs. sure feel for your daughter and you.
You just keep praying. And have faith in your Lord to make thngs right. I'll be praying for both of you.

Answer by hazel9436
I'm very sorry about your news..i cant answer your question but I am sure that they will suggest surgery and maybe chemo which your daughter will get through. Have you tried talking to the nurses also..doctors havent always got the best beside manner. x

Answer by charlie
Sorry to hear your news. Your daughter must be young. When you say advanced is it stage 4?? What i will tell you is what happened with my Mum, I hope it doesn't upset you. Mum was diagnosed in May this year with a rare form of kidney cancer. By the time they discovered it it had already spread to the liver and the lung. She had NO symptoms at all. It was a very aggressive and advanced cancer that stripped away all her life and dignity. She past away two weeks ago and it was horrific watching her fade away. When my Mums cancer was discovered the tumour in the kidney was 5cm, liver 3cm (x3) and numerous 'spots' on the lung. two months later the liver was over 12cm in diameter, there was no kidney left and the tumours in the lung had double and multiplied. I am sorry to say that once cancer spreads thru the body it is very bad because it means it is in the blood stream or lymph nodes so it will continue to spread thru her body unless successful treatment is give. In my understanding from what i went thru with Mum, once it spreads it is very hard to cure. Has she been vomiting alot?? Have they recommended treatment?? How many masses are there?? I feel for you and your daughter you have a tough road ahead contact me if you need support.

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