
Lance Armstrong - On Surviving Cancer

Lance Armstrong - On Surviving Cancer

Complete video at: fora.tv Champion American cyclist Lance Armstrong discusses his experiences as a survivor of testicular cancer, and explains the origins of the ubiquitous yellow "Livestrong" bracelet. ----- Bob Schieffer interviews Lance Armstrong at the 2007 Aspen Ideas Festival. Some of the most inspired and provocative thinkers, writers, artists, business people, teachers and other leaders drawn from myriad fields and from across the country and around the world all gathered in a single place - to teach, speak, lead, question, and answer at the 2007 Aspen Ideas Festival. Throughout the week, they all interacted with an audience of thoughtful people who stepped back from their day-to-day routines to delve deeply into a world of ideas, thought, and discussion. Lance Armstrong is a retired American professional road racing cyclist. He won the Tour de France - cycling's most prestigious race - seven consecutive times, from 1999 to 2005. In doing so, he beat the previous records of five wins by Miguel Indurain (consecutive) and Bernard Hinault, Eddy Merckx and Jacques Anquetil. Previous to this achievement he also survived testicular cancer, a germ cell tumor that metastasized to his brain and lungs in 1996. His cancer treatments included brain and testicular surgery, and extensive chemotherapy. Armstrong's athletic success and dramatic recovery from cancer inspired him to commemorate his accomplishments, with Nike, through the Lance Armstrong Foundation, a charity ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

Why the Government Says Marijuana Kills Brain Cells...Its all BS

Over 100 million Americans have tried it at least once, and now 13 states have legalized medical marijuana. Here is my, "contrary to popular belief" list 1. Mounting evidence has shown it is far less dangerous than alcohol and cigarettes, legal medicines, and even caffeine, yes thats right you can OD on coffee. 2. No person has ever overdosed on marijuana ever, not once in the history of the world. It is simply not toxic enough. 450000+ die each year from tobacco cigarettes, while a good 50000+ die from alcohol overdose. 3. Those high on marijuana are less likely to commit violent acts, not more likely. In fact, I watched a video on youtube about a British test where a man was given a marijuana joint to smoke and then was given a driving test. He performed better high. Marijuana actually makes you far more cautious 4. IT DOES NOT LEAD TO LUNG CANCER. A natural grown plant simply is not toxic enough to cause lung cancer 5. It does not kill brain cells. In fact, studies are showing that it may in fact STIMULATE brain cells. Read about it here www.sciencedaily.com 6. It is about as addictive as a peanut, and there are no withdrawl symptoms. I havent smoke in, lets see, one month tomorrow, and I have felt nothing wrong with me. 7. The gateway theory is false. If you watch Penn & Tellers bull****, numerous studies have shown that alcohol and cigarettes are far more likely to lead to hard drugs. The reason you don't hear about this is because they are multi-billion dollar ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

Orignal From: Lance Armstrong - On Surviving Cancer

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