
In regards to skin cancer, melanoma, to be exact.. how long does it take to progress to advanced stages?

In regards to skin cancer, melanoma, to be exact.. how long does it take to progress to advanced stages?Now obviously I realize this will differ depending on the person and their immune system.. the exact question I was looking to ask couldn't fit in the subject heading with the number of 'characters' permitted.. What I am asking is this:

If one suspects he/ she has skin cancer and has all the underlying symptoms yet the first appointment he/she is able to get is not for several weeks due to the shortage of dermatologists and increase in patients.. how likely is it to advance and if it does, what are the symptoms for a more aggressive and advanced stage of skin cancer?

Melanoma, from what I gather, is relatively painless.. and I know there's the ABCD's to look out for.. but what would one experience say, if they've never been to a dermatologist before in their life and quite possibly have had melanoma for years and it has mestastasized and spread to other organs.. what other symptoms would one experience besides the initial change in a mole/skin?

Has anyone out there been diagnosed or have a friend or family member that has been diagnosed and already in stage 3 of malignant melanoma and the only symptom ever experienced was changes in moles and a sore that doesn't heal?

Answer by MDT
You can visit this site to read more on this subject.

Answer by Orion
Try not to get ahead of yourself. A few weeks wait to get to the doctor is not going to change the outcome. Melanoma does not move that fast. If you have a suspicious mole or growth, get it removed and wait to hear the pathology report. If the mole or sore has gone a long time before found (such as in your hair) there is a chance that it might be stage 2 or 3. These stages are treatable but the chance of reoccurance significantly increases for stage 3. But before you go worrying about possible outcomes, get the biopsy.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

Orignal From: In regards to skin cancer, melanoma, to be exact.. how long does it take to progress to advanced stages?

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