
Does X-Ray scan clear out wrist tendons problems?

Does X-Ray scan clear out wrist tendons problems?I twisted my left wrist few month ago and ever since it feels weak. I have had X-Ray scan and the report was fine. But there is no mention of tendons in the report at all, I wonder if I need other scans or not.
I don't understand the last point in the report, it says "No sclerotic nor lytic lesions could be elicited." what does this means?
I'm located it Egypt :), very far away from LA. Anyway, thank you so much for your help. I have seen a specialist and he asked me if I have pain while he was pressing between my fingers and my wrist. I didn't have any pain so he said there is nothing to worry about. I do wrist exercises with dumbbells and it feels better but still very weak.

Answer by Jennifer L
Try going for an MRI, of course only if you have no metal in your body, other wise has to be a arthrographic ct scan, where they inject a dye. X-Rays only show bone problems, they don't do ligaments and tendons. You may also have carpal tunnel syndrome, but you need to talk to your doctor about further testing. Esp if you are still having problems.

Answer by Dr. K
Tendons and ligaments are not visible on xrays. You would need a MRI to properly view them.

"No sclerotic nor lytic lesions could be elicited."
Sclerosis = build up of additional calcium in a region of bone in response to excess stress. Meaning, if you wore your cartilage out and it's now bone rubbing against bone, your body will deposit more calcium in both bones to protect itself.

Lytic = area of bone that has been eaten away, like a moth in your woolen clothes. Usually caused by infection or cancer.

Basically, the report says you don't have sclerosis or lytic lesions.

As for your problem. A weak wrist is usually an elbow problem, or a wrist problem -- specifically, the distal radius & ulnar joint. You didn't say where you're located, I know of 2 specialists who are able to help you, 1 in LA, and 1 near Chicago.

What do you think? Answer below! Information about multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms.

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