
Can a relationship ever work with two people who have the same zodiac sign? Cancers?

Can a relationship ever work with two people who have the same zodiac sign? Cancers?My boyfriend and I are both cancers but constantly and I mean constantly but heads on everything! I was just wondering if anyone is in a relationship where both people have the same zodiac sign? Thanks!

Answer by Michaela
hahahahahahaha yessssssssssss it doesnt mtter bout your zodiac sign it matters bout how much u 2 really love eachother but if your going to base it on your zodiac signs then your trully not in love and dont care for him/her

Answer by anna
yeah, they can work. But usually they have too much in common. Opposites attract. :) But, i'm not saying break up with him either. Zodiac signs don't mean everything. :)
Hope I Helped :)

Answer by Giau L

Relationships only works if you both try your best to maintain it,
ur zodiac sign doesnt matter, if you believe in it, then what ever happen u think thats it says gonna happen, happens, because u made it happen by believeing it,
if u dont believe it, then you will get to choose your own path,
if you love your boyfriend ,
then just love him,
ur zodiac doesnt matter..

Answer by Sunshine Hell
well, i never been with someone as the same sign as me but, I had read that two people together with the same sign is bad news.

but i really don't believe in the whole "sign" compatibility. Its more then about a "sign" that makes a relationship.

Answer by lahdeia
it can work. your zodiac signs don't matter. All couples butt heads, some more than others. it is a normal thing.

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