
What's the survival rate for a small Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma?

What's the survival rate for a small Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma?in somewhat of an early stage.

Answer by AnX
I think it says there on the link. Is it Skin Cancer?

Answer by quijibored
The survival rate for a small nodular basal cell would be 99.99% with the only death coming from a cancer that had been ignored for many years and allowed to either become so locally destructive that infection became a problem or you ignored the basal cell and allowed it to grow and you happened to be one of the tiny minority of people with a basal cell cancer that happens to metastcize - a very rare thing.


The cure rate for initial treatment with a simple excision of a small basal cell would be 95% or higher. This cure rate number might be a little lower if the cancer was located on the eyelid, lip or top edge of the ear because of the increased blood flow in those areas or the difficulty in removing all of the cancer. Also the older the age of the person the more difficulty they might have healing but generally speaking prompt treatment cures almost all basal cells. A nodular basal cell is not one of the more complicated types of basal to treat or cure so if the location is somewhere simple then you do not really need to worry about survival rates. Just go to the dermatologist, get it removed and move on with your life. There are about 750,000 basal cells removed each year in the US so all experienced dermatologists have removed many of them in the course of their training and practice.


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